The shelter on Rushmoore Drive is open year round and offers food, shelter, and supportive services for individuals and families from DeKalb County who need emergency access to food, shelter, and safety. Breakfast and sack lunches are provided each morning and dinner is delivered by area churches and organizations. Case managers assist residents of the emergency shelter in developing an individualized “plan of action” addressing goals to move to permanent housing, access or increase income, apply for eligible benefits, minimize the days in shelter and reduce the recidivism of homelessness.

The Life Skills Training Center is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 3pm and offers psychiatric care, counseling, wellness programs, life skills classes, daily living skills training, vocational programs, meals, home visits, referrals and follow-up. The program is open to anyone in DeKalb County who is homeless, formerly homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The goal of the Life Skills Training Program is to give clients access to the services and programs they need to obtain and successfully maintain permanent housing.
Rapid re-housing is geared to help homeless families and individuals transition to permanent housing as quickly as possible. Relocation and stabilization services are offered in the shelter for residents needing only temporary assistance. Those residents will receive case management services that follow them into permanent housing for a limited time. The goal of the program is to identify the homeless who have low housing barriers therefore need only limited assistance in order to successfully transition back to permanent housing.
Assistance designed to prevent the incidence of homelessness, including, but not limited to: (1) emergency rent assistance for families in imminent danger of eviction; (2) security deposits or first month's rent to help a family move into permanent housing in order to divert homelessness; (3) emergency financial assistance to prevent housing foreclosure and (3) referrals to services designed to prevent the incidence of homelessness.
Personal trauma is the experience of violence and victimization including sexual abuse, physical abuse, severe neglect, loss, and/or the witnessing of violence. Compared to non-homeless children, homeless children dis proportionally experience childhood trauma at much higher rates. Trauma negatively effects the stress response system, rational thought, emotional and psychological presence, ability to trust and feel safe, coping skills, and emotional regulation. Hope haven provides group therapy to youth who have experienced childhood trauma through mutual support, talk therapy, and experiential therapy. Experiential therapy includes outdoor expeditions, nature, meditation, mindfulness, art, and other forms of healing through experiences. For therapeutic continuity, youth who start therapy at Hope Haven can continue in group therapy once they transition out of homelessness.


Dresser Court is a twenty-six unit, subsidized apartment complex that provides permanent housing with intensive on-site programs and services for people with disabilities and a history of chronic homelessness. Hope Haven is responsible for screening residents for eligibility and providing supportive services. The goal of the program is to assist residents in maintaining permanent housing.

the “Housing First” program, located on Rushmoore Drive, provides subsidized housing to twelve individuals who have been chronically homeless due to a diagnosed mental illness. Housing is in single rooms, with a shared kitchen and living space. Hope Haven provides intensive supportive services. The goal of this program is to secure housing for the homeless who are considered the “hardest to house.”